108學年度第2學期營養學院保健營養學系誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名 (公告至109.04.30截止)
博士(Ph. D.):營養相關科系畢業
Degrees: doctoral degrees in nutrition or related fields
1. 營養相關領域畢業
Degrees: doctoral degrees in Nutrition or related fields.
2. 專長領域:營養流行病學、社區營養、營養分子生物領域。
Specialty: Nutritional Epidemiology, Community Nutrition,Molecular Nutrition .
3. 具有數據分析、營養相關研究經歷及相關研究計畫及著作發表和者
With the experiences in data analysis, nutritional research, projects and publications.
Excellence in research.
5. 具博士後研究或教學經歷者尤佳
With post-doctoral training or relevant teaching experience.
*需提供資料(Material needed):
除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作目錄及
1. 個人履歷表及自傳
curriculum vitae and autobiography
2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)
a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma
should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
3. 著作目錄及重要著作
publication list
a statement of teaching interests with course outlines
5. 過去教學之課程及內容大綱
previous teaching portfolio/outlines
6. 推薦函二封
two letters of recommendation
聯 絡 人:趙小姐
E - MAIL:cyyheidi@tmu.edu.tw